From 牧人:前些日在〔福建東南電視台〕看到「黃日華」做客《開心明星臉》節目中,與主持人談及阿翁和拍射雕時的情形。可惜沒看全,不知那位朋友看過並記下,請述說一下當時的訪談內容,謝謝。2002-11-16 |
來自於 蝢瘣 America RII609aj3c NyU6zhxmL7z2 影友的回應 2015/11/22
This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any arietlcs on rehab?
來自於 鈭瘣 Asia g9Hp2MvzRXo XmIbBiS37s9a 影友的回應 2015/7/23
IJWTS wow! Why can't I think of thnigs like that?
來自於 甇瘣 Europe zJklvkUUCHiutRFthP Tessa 影友的回應 2011/12/7
With the bases laoded you struck us out with that answer!